您将从对促进人类健康有着独特热情的专家那里学习. Among other areas, our faculty members have in-depth experience in cancer genetics, pharmacogenomics, medicinal chemistry, pharmaceutics and bioanalytics.
使用最先进的分子分析工具,在我们新的,数百万美元 Stack Family Center for Biopharmaceutical Education and Training — the first-of-its kind in the country at a pharmacy college. Engage with a faculty member in a thesis research project, 它提供了各种各样的实验室技术实践培训和建立专业网络的好机会. ACPHS也是美国药物科学家协会(AAPS)一个强大的学生分会的所在地。, ranked as the top student chapter in the nation.
从降低感染率的疫苗到维持慢性病患者生活质量的药物, pharmaceutical scientists are instrumental to wellness.
Pharmaceutical sciences include drug discovery and design, clinical sciences, drug analysis, pharmaceutical chemistry and regulatory policy. It requires training in chemistry, biology and mathematics as they relate to pharmacokinetics, pharmacology, molecular foundations of drug action and pharmaceutics. It also includes investigating drug optimization, delivery, optimal dosing, safety, outcomes and policy.
What degree do you need for pharmaceutical scientist roles?
To prepare for careers in pharmaceutical science, 你需要传统的生物和化学学位课程所不提供的专业培训.
您在ACPHS获得的药学学士学位将为您在制药行业的入门级职位做好准备,将知识和实践培训转化为工作机会. Additionally, 你的学士学位是大多数研究生学位的跳板,包括硕士和博士学位.D. programs and admission into health professional programs, including medical, dental, or physician assistant programs.
参加当地或国家制药公司的实习和合作研究机会,这通常会直接为研究生提供工作机会. 在基于假设的研究(顶点)项目上与教师导师一对一或小组合作. 我们还提供助教机会,以探索在学术环境中工作.
When you choose ACPHS for your pharmaceutical sciences degree, 你将在纽约的首都学习,并可以进入学院的斯塔克家庭生物制药教育和培训中心(CBET),该中心探索纳米技术在药物设计和输送中的应用. Our students enjoy unique access to three major hospitals, a medical college and New York State’s Public Health Laboratory. 许多人还参加各种当地机构的志愿者机会,如奥尔巴尼医疗中心和首都救援任务.
由于我们所有的项目都以人类健康为重点,教职员工总是积极参与研究. With topics such as neuroscience, addiction, cancer and nanotechnology, you are sure to find an area that aligns with your interests.
药学学位为医学职业道路提供了广泛的灵活性, research and industry. 许多药学专业人员参与研究实验,从而开发出新的药物. 一些公司通过制造和测试新疗法来确保其安全有效. 制药公司的销售和市场部门也有许多职位.
拥有药学学士学位,你的起薪平均为7万美元. 进一步提高你的教育水平会大大增加你的收入潜力. As the field continues to grow, you’ll be ready to pursue jobs in private corporations, academia and government agencies.
As a pharmaceutical sciences major, 您将能够通过我们的签名课程和选修课程探索您的兴趣.
In your first year, 您将探索一系列发人深省的主题,如优生学和CRISPR技术的伦理科学思维, 将讨论扩展到研究伦理与现代卫生保健. From there, you’ll learn the principles of medicinal chemistry and drug design, and how drugs are delivered within the body.
Large lecture-based courses are balanced with small classes, 哪些课程能提供更多个性化的关注,以及与教授和同学合作的宝贵机会. 假设为基础的研究组成部分可以采取一对一的实验室项目的形式在我们的研究教师的指导下, 我们的药物分析技术系列的小组工作, or a literature-focused capstone project.
Associate Professor
Albany, NY 12208